Data Submission

Data Submission

Imaging Data Annotation

Pseudonymization of the data is performed at the clinical centers using the Collective Minds Radiology Proxy, a local virtual server that transfer pseudonymized and de-identified local data into the CMRAD central repository.

At the CMRAD central data repository, imaging data is annotated and segmented. and eventually pushed to the EuroBioImaging, as the primary imaging archive of EuCanImage.

Data Submission

When data is willing to be centrally stored in any of the EuCanImage Central Data Repositories (EuroBioImaging or European Genome-Phenome Archive), the individual submission process of the archive is to be applied. So please, visit the corresponding web sites for a more detailed information:

Nevertheless, EuCanImage Data Management Plan enforces the adoption of a minimal metadata schema to ensure data discovery and re-use.

For more information, review the EuCanImage Data Management Plan .

Data Access Management

The catalogue includes entries whose datasets are under controlled access. The permissions are granted by Data Access Committees (DACs), who determine and administrate data access policies.

The data repository hosting the dataset is disseminating the access policies and the corresponding procedures to gain the access credentials.